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This web site is a labor of love, for my family's family, so they will know who went before. Building it required the generous use of public domain images. Should anyone find their copyrighted material contained herein, please let me know which you desire, credit or removal. The images on my Awards page are the result of my effort. Please, ask for permission to use any of the images. Where possible (so far, 100%) I have made this a band width theft free site. You should do the same by not linking to any images on this site. Have several happy years.


"All sites elements are legally protected and cannot be used without authorization of the site designer. The awards within the system are legally protected as well."

This web site would not be complete without the acknowledgement of the help I've received from "news.alt.pagebuilder.help," a news group dedicated to tirelessly helping newbies like myself build and maintain their creations. Many of them are unaware of the help they have given me. My thanks to you all.

"Opal Graphics"
used on these pages
were created by
Neon Dreams

Holiday images have been
gathered fromAnnes Place

Tear Drop

For abused and neglected
children everywhere.

Donate Free Food
click here

Bread Graphic
The Hunger Site
United Nations World Food Program

All it will cost you is a moment of your time!


IntroductionKarl & JuliannaComing to America Emil & ArleneKent, Ohio
Mantua StreetFinal ChapterAnecdotesCreditsTo The Top

Copyright © 1998-2001 - The Slama Family - All Rights Reserved.